Good Body Notes
Blog posts about food peace, body image, motherhood, and everything in between

Body Trends
As I looked at the woman before me, I could see the water swelling along the edges of her lids even through the grainy computer screen. Her voice choked as she said, “I weigh more than my husband now.” And with the proclamation, the tide broke and two streams of glistening shame rolled down her cheeks.

On Temperance, Children, & Weight Loss
On children, weight loss, and the New Year.

Food Is More Than Fuel
One of the most frequent concerns individuals bring to me in my work is their struggle with emotional eating. Heck, this “confession” arises almost just as often when I am not in work settings and someone learns I am a dietitian by trade….I’ve learned to disclose my profession more cautiously at holiday parties and summer BBQs.

Defining and Defying Diet-Culture
Welcome to the very first issue of Good Body Notes. I’m glad you’re here; I am glad to have a space where we can dig deeper into the firmament of peaceful relationships with food and body.